Re: a bit concerned--migrating pressure
You better start liverflushing every 2-3 weeks. It sounds like gallbladder trouble. To test it when you have pain in the shoulder take a glass of water with 2-3 tsp
Epsom Salts in it, that should help. If the pain is still there do it again.
The ES also will help with getting your bowels clean.
PB shakes are for some people kind of harsh, according to
Andreas Moritz . Try to take a break for a little while and see what happens. Drink a lot of water.
Do the liverflush as soon as you can and see how much sludge and may be green peas (cholesterol stones) will come out of liver/gallbladder.
After the flush, within 3 days, do either a colonic,colema or several enemas to hurry out the toxins and left behind stones.
The malic acid is good to take, for me it is too sour, so I use Apple Cider Vinegar in water.