I've been using P&B shakes for several months off and on and the results have always been good BMs but with no mucoid plaque. I started a
parasite program about a month ago and haven't seen any significant change in things either. I've had right shoulder pain for as long as I can remember and have had an assortment of treatments- adjustments, ansaids, muscle relaxants, heat, sonic (don't know if that's the right term) muscle stimulus...nothing has ever helped I've decided to do a liver flush. Well last week I started taking malic acid to soften stones as I can't handle all the
Sugar in apple juice. I also did a couple of
coffee enemas and they did relieve the shoulder pain a bit temporarily. On the first coffee enema, I passed what looked like stones, after that nothing unusual passed. I did a salt
water enema and a vinegar enema over the week as well. Still haven't flushed-- The problem is that a few days ago, the day after the vinegar enema, I started having a terrible pressure in the LEFT upper quadrant of my abdomen. It was so painful I almost went to the emergency room. At one point I took an herbal laxative... but I seem to be passing what I am eating just fine. The majority of the pain and pressure moved downward slowly and then to my right mid abdomem...now it is center - radiating outward to both sides...I still feel pressure in the locations that were affected first, but it's not as painful. Don't know if the enemas have somehow dislodged plaque that is slowly making its way through my system...but I am worried that if it is too large that it will snag somewhere and become constricted and what I am facing when it finally wants to come out!! Has anyone ever experienced this type situation? Should I just stay on schedule with the malic acid and go for a flush this weekend? Should I try to flush with more enemas? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.