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Re: Electrolytes and colon cleansing

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

nobugsplease Views: 2,747
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Re: Electrolytes and colon cleansing

I have to be honest, I know little to nothing about the magnesium bowel cleansing products. But as I said before, I am a huge fan of supplementing with magnesium. I use a product called Natural Calm which is mag citrate that you dissolve in water. It is supposed to be highly absorbable that way. The recommended dosage varies between 1 to 3 teaspoons depending on bowel tolerence. If you have diarrhea, then the dose is too high. You are supposed to adjust it to where your stools are comfortable loose. What you said makes sense, that if you aren't having diarrhea every day, then you probably aren't messing up the electrolytes. In fact, I have read that magnesium helps balance electrolytes in the proper dosage. Magnesium is in fact an electrolyte itself.

As far as what it is in the oxygen-based cleansers that make them work, I just don't know. I have my suspicions that part of the reason people feel good when taking them is because of the magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is supposedly rampant in our society.

On a side note, I saw in your original post that you asked if enemas will mess up electrolyte balance. It is my understanding that as you should always add 1 Tbsp of good Sea Salt per quart of water. This we keep electrolytes in check and also soften the water.

I have enclosed a few interesting links on magnesium and electrolyte balance.

Magnesium and Electrolyte Homeostasis
Magnesium – the forgotten electrolyte

Have a good day!



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