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More On OxyPowder Results - Unbelievable
raymond Views: 1,793
Published: 21 y

More On OxyPowder Results - Unbelievable

I experienced severe cramping and gas pains on day three of the Oxy cleanse. It was majorly uncomfortable. I used a castor oil back over my abdomen to help with the cramps and pain. The castor oil relieved it. The same cramps and gas pains came back on day five. Not as severe, but they were there. I did another castor oil pack to alleviate the pain. I also experienced bouts of dizziness.

I wrote to Andreas on his forum as to the possible cause of these symptoms. He responded:

"The gas and and cramping shows that there were some major obstructive waste pockets that were being eliminated. When they started to get broken up and moved out, some of the released toxins entered the circulation, which led to the dizzyness. This is similar to what can occur during a flu attack. Once the blood is detoxified again, the symptoms disappear. You did well. Having such blockages can cause major distress to the inestines and the body at large."

Wow! is all I can say. I have done three other bowel cleanses, including the Schulze cleanse two weeks ago. None of those cleanses produced any symptoms in me with the exception of making me poop more. I really feel this Oxy cleanse is what my body needed to help clear out any obstructions and impactions that were creating a major constipation issue for me. I also used to experience extreme discomfort whenever my son or dog would put pressure on my abdomen. That feeling is now gone, thank goodness. I am sure my colon was as twisted as a pretzel.

Due to these extreme symptoms, I plan on staying on this cleanse for a full 30 days, versus the normal 7. The Oxypowder directions recommend this if you do experience these types of symptoms to fully help to clean out and balance the intestional system. My body is talking loud and clear. I really needed this.


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