This is wonderful news to hear. I'm praying for Madison also. My grandaughter was born at 1 lb. 1 oz. 9 years ago on Dec. 4. We sure had a touch and go Christmas that year. She is now healthy and doing just fine. She had eye surgeries and ear surgeries. But just recently the ear surgery corrected her hearing loss and she no longer has to wear hearing aids. It is amazing what she went through and to go through it all was quite an experience and a miracle. We have lots of pictures of her back then and now. She is our miracle angel. She also did not have alot of the complications that some do have except had to be on a ventilator for a couple of months. It is so fortunate that Madison is breathing on her own already. If you want you can email me, I will send pictures of Chloe then and now. It would be interesting to compare notes. Or if the parents need support they can talk to my daughter. It truly is a miracle from God. Blessings to you and your family.