Hello freelastchance. Thank you so much for your prayers. I am really happy to say that the birth of this child is a miracle for all of us. Her birth and life so far have shown that with God anything is possible. It has also shown to me the power of prayer and the love and caring of people everywhere. I truly believe there is so much more love out there in the world than any of us fully comprehend.
So far Madison is doing really well. The doctors have said that she has not demonstrated any of the complications that are often found in premature births. Many of the things they said she would not be able to do, she is doing (i.e. digesting, breathing on her own, excreting). I even heard that she has started to open her eyes. She's not fully out of the woods yet, so everyone keep those prayers and healing energy coming.
Thanks again and I thank God for blessing all of you as much as God has blessed Madison.