A scathing post by yours truly...
Some Europeans were posting on another list how unreasonable most Americans are.
I couldn't resist, so put down a few thoughts of my own to answer them...
. >>>You can talk
>till you are blue in the face
>and make ten thousand valid points and they
>will still never ever change or
>even alter their point of view.
You are correct, most people have 'bought the lie' in the US. Therefore, reasoning with them useless.
Some folks think by 'explaining' how most US citizens are being duped will do some good. Not likely. It simply hardens them in them belief that they are "right', their government is 'right' and you are 'wrong'. Therefore you are a leftist, a pinko, or a terrorist (and should probably be bombed anyway).
I have been called un-american. anti-american and a traitor to boot. In my view, the traitors and criminals in are in Washington lording over a nation of fools. However there are some (a minority) that are actively speaking out against the dangers of an Imperialist America at large in the world, a police state at home and this sham of a Middle East war.
Of course, the good little brainwashed rank and file rail at me on these lists. People like ME are the problem, you see. (either you are for them or against them.... Their President told them so...)
You think it's scary in Europe looking at this shit, try living here in the midst of it. It is like a bad dream. I never thought a population of 'so called' educated people could be so bloody indoctrinated and unable to think for themselves. They get it 24 hours a day through the media here, so as most folks in the US are TV addicts, they are easy to manipulate. We have gone through the looking glass. It is Orwell's 1984 here the US, and bulk of the people here support and welcome it. (that's why I posted that circular reasoning essay twice)
As Ben Franklin said, "people get the government they deserve." The people here deserve what they are bringing down on themselves.
The US invades Iraq in an unprovoked, preemptive attack in a flagrant violation of international law and in opposition to every other major power in the world except the UK. In addition, the invasion has nothing to do with what the leaders here claim it does. They have lied, made up false evident and flaunted international law, treaties and common decency to accomplish this. (War supporters will screech that Saddam eats babies, or has a hidden arsenal of nasty bugs, chemicals or Neutron bombs). Notwithstanding, we still don't have the right to launch a war of aggression. *Especially* as the international community was dealing with it.
I know Americans who will froth at the month over this and yell terrorist, terrorist, terrorist. The fact is that a terrorist is anyone George W. Bush claims is one. He doesn't need proof in the climate of idiocy here in the US.
The real FACTS are that the US administration has laid out it's REAL reasons for attacking Iraq in plain view over the past several years with several major think tank position papers, in MANY policy makers speeches and talks, and in the action it has been clandestinely taking toward that end since before the turn of the century.
Also, there is the FACT that the US authorities were warned over and over from numerous foreign and inside sources that 9 11 would happen, and that they did absolutely nothing to stop it (right up to the highest levels of government) should tell you something. But most people in the US just can't believe the Emperor has no clothes!!!
In addition, the US propaganda machine has whipped up the majority of the population into a feeding frenzy of war hysteria and nationalistic fervor. And these people are now happily marching across the world as a conquering army, waving the American flag, terrified that Saddam personally is going to fly a jet liner into their house.... so they are happily giving up their freedoms and liberties through these draconian Patriot Acts (I and II plus other measures) ....and are welcoming the police state bureaucracy with open arms, surrendering to a fascist conglomeration of big business, special interests and privileged, sycophant millionaire thieves who by and large dodged the draft, rape the US taxpayer, plunder the citizens through their corporations, lie cheat and steal, and then spit out nationalistic Christian platitudes about how we must clean up the horror of
Terrorism in the world for 'God and the USA' ...when they are the biggest terrorists of all.
It annoys me (can you tell?)
I am sure I'll get a barrage of abuse from some right wing brain dead American now on how 'if I don't like it, I should get the hell out of America'. "Love it or leave it." "You should be rounded up..." Yeah, right. I've heard that before.
Sorry folks, it's my country too, and I WILL be heard. I feel people like me are the real patriots because we have the guts to stand up to the injustice and the insanity in America, and try to DO something constructive about the criminal 'selling out of America' to the corporations and special interests, rather than just falling in line, waving the flag and supporting a 'regime' that is leading us down the path to destruction...