Re: Could anyone be more "blissfully ignorant" than...
You dont have to take any information out of context you only have to report the truth from history books that are already printed. In addition you only need to access freedom of information in order to get documents and you will come to the truth. It is the refusal to read the information, and believe it. Then you know one has a real problem. The belief that United States is following the biblical inspired words of the ten commandments is simply not true. The last time I checked the bible it said "thou shall not kill", it does not say "thou shalt kill" when the government says you can.
All Bush's grandstanding and using the cloak of "christianity" in order to commit war crimes reveals his true religion. The Bush family will resort to using any means nessary to meet their ends. Bush Jr has a vision, that vision was his grandfathers and his dad's. This vision is to enforcing the new dogmas of the New World Order or the 4th Reich. He says this himself that he has a vision of world peace, and he will forcifully wage war in order to change regimes throughout the world in order to do so. If you don't believe us then why won't you believe the man and the Bush dynasty?
Fact one of the laws passed a few years ago in the United Nations , but not yet enforced is the elimination of all private property (except the super rich)all property is held in common. (and portected by the United States)
Fact the world is to be divided into ten economic zones with the entire west coast making up one economic zone from alaska to Chile.
Fact the entire coast is presently integrating all the eletrical power grid from alaska to chile and will all be privatized against the wishes of its citizens.
Fact in the future americans will have to use a passport in order to travel from one state to another.
Fact future currency of the U.S will be colored with bar codes so that officials can read the amount of money you are carrying on your person. If you take too much then you will be detained for questioning.
Fact the citizens of Japan we all assigned a number as their new identity.
Just a few nibblets from the mountains of gathering evidence.