22 y
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I thought it would be bragy and it wasn't
I just finished the liver cleanse.
I passed globs and globs of drek from my liver and gall bladder all day. I was shocked at all the calcified yuck that came out. Cup loads of this stuff... a zillion little so called 'stones' (and later on some bigger ones too)
The Ebsom salts I took last night made me run to bathroom every 5 minutes after a while, and I had no solid food in my system (or have had for over a month actually)... so I know I was clean of solid waste. So imagine my surprise when 10,000 BBs and marbles squirted out... ;-) (sorry to be so graphic)
In addition to giving one the 'runs', apparently the Ebsom salts open all of the liver and gall bladder ducts. Then you gulg a bunch of olive oil and go to sleep. The olive oil seems to coat and move all the sludge in the liver, and when you drink the salts again in the morning it flushes everything out.
I had NO idea my liver was so full of crud. The actual drinking of the oil and E. salts wasn't that bad actually. I used grapefruit and it wasn't unpleasant at all...