Re: Too much ozone in air?Can someone explain?
I read the same garbage at the EPA web site, and that's why we didn't start using ozone till it was almost too late. With my sife's situation it didn't matter if it killed her, she was dying anyway.
The answer to all your questions is because of BAD science. It's all based on the same idea as, don't exercise because it causes sore muscles, heavy breathing, rapid heart rate, and sweating. We all know the body gets used to it and become healthier in the end.
It's the same with ozone. When a person first breaths ozone or drinks ozonated water, the throat or lungs can become irritated or get a sick feeling after drinking ozonated water. But after the first time the body sends enzymes throughout the body to protect all healthy cells. Anything that can't absorb these enzymes, dies. All healthy cells can absorb them though. Healthy cells need oxygen to survive.
The reason for the bad symptoms is because the body isn't used to it, isn't healthy, and toxins are being oxidized and released into the body at a higher rate than the body is use to. In the end the body says, Finally! This is what I've been waiting for!
Ok, Dr. Mercola is like a lot of people out there that are kind of alternative, but not really. They also are more concerned about making money than finding real cures.
Read that link Rog provided. It's good stuff. This stuff is really true. My wife would be dead if it wasn't and I would be here. I would be telling everyone in here it kills people. That the EPA is right. But I'm here telling you it saved my wife's life, and it has cured her asthma, and my athletes foot. See how it can cure a wide range of problems? From cancer to athletes foot. Ozone! It's king in my book!
Take Care,