Ozonated olive oil contains no ozone
I agree that pure ozone is better than ozonated oil. But you said the following comment: "Like I said it's only good for a few minutes, then you can wash it off. You know the 1/2 life for ozone is 20 minutes right?"
Yes! 1/2 life for OZONE is about 20 min in those condition, but 1/2 life for OZONIDES are many hours or even days. Ozonated olive oil contains no ozone, but only ozonides as I said in my previous message. It reacts immediately (less than half second) with fatty acids. You can note this when you breathe the ozone gas which is bubbled through oil, you can's smell it because THERE ARE NOT ANY OZONE LEFT. Only volatile components of ozonated oil.
As I said, ozonated oil is much better than conventional
Antibiotics . It is clearly very good option for most wounds and other skin diseases. I'm a chemist in the university of Helsinki (Finland) and I have personally ozonated and analyzed various fatty acids and used them in various skin diseses. I certainly know, what I'm speaking.
There are good full text article available:
Regars: Miika