Hi mystisangel,
You said "She is now putting it in her eyes for an eye condition she has. She did experience a rash at first due to some of the toxins being released, I am sure she was very toxic, but she learned to adjust to how long she did it for and the temperature etc."
Can you explain this more? Dr. Pressman says you can't put ozone in the eye. I've accidently got it in my eyes and they were red for days, so I stopped getting it any where near the eyes. I've read studies about putting ozonated water in the eyes this weekend, so I'm wondering about all this. I'm 51 and getting to the point of needing glasses. So I would love to treat my eyes some who.
Does she funnel her eyes, or use ozonated water. How long does she do it? What does thr trmpreture have to do with it? Any more info. would be great!