Now ,diverticulitis and diverticulos are not exactly the same thing.Please go to a good web site,I recommend ""just to have it explained. You are correct that most of us have it and bad diets or just getting older,most pp get these "pockects"their called.Are you having symtons are just concerned about trying to avoid it?I'v been going thru this since June and have a colonostopy coming up on May 2nd.2 trips to ER with pain I didn't think a human being could live thru.A week in Hospital in June for perferation and abcess from leakage from what the ER at first thot was appendix.Please tell me what are your symptons and let me see if i can tell you what I have learned so far.I don't know about what you asked for I know this site is all about alternative med is why I went looking and found it.I believe in it but there is also a time we need doctors.I feel the 2 can work together but after almost dying because I'd not call the paramedics I know one can go overboard.If you want to talk ,I'm here.Love,Dot.