Re: How did God make people ?
I wanted to jump in on this minutes after you first posted yet I watched and waited.
Like Lapis I agree with Justin's version of reality and illusion. I also believe sometimes that children understand this more than we do as we become re-enlightened to that which we already knew.
My two boys 4 & 6 are constantly going within themselves and often remind me to do this by encouraging me to meditate, pray and talk to God. When my oldest was 3 1/2. He would see I was depressed over my divorce although I tried to never show them... he would comfort me by saying "Daddy listen to God talk to your brain... You know that God made all the trees (people)they are all different some big, little, fat, skinny and he loves them all!"
Statements like that come from my kids whenever I forget or start to lose my way. Ask what your child thinks and indulge in what may seem silly at first. Once your child trusts you he will open up and not be afraid to share his version of truth. It can be wonderful!
I obviously caution against looking down on children as inferior or unenlightened. Good Luck or rather "Good Truth!"