Just a note to say it has been almost a year since my gallbladder removal. I feel MUCH better then I did on my first post. Baby just turned 1, and doing great. I don't feel the same as I used to, though. The doctors did tell me I wouldn' feel any diferent, but I do. I have trouble digesting things. They come out looking like they did going in, if you catch my drift. I'm now doing a master cleanse of sorts. And let me say thank God for everyone on this site! There are a lot of people here like me who need to ask real personal questions and talk about things I can't even talk to my best friend about, and everyone here is so good hearted, and helpful and candid. Thank you everyone for helping me when I needed it the most. I'll never be the same since I found this site (especially after seeing some of those parasite photos. ew).