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Re: 6th Liver Flush results
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Re: 6th Liver Flush results

Hi Tracey,
I have suffered from Gallbladder attacks from time to time.
The pain can be excrutiating when an attack happens, that was why I searched and found Curezone.
I have passed stones on 2 of my flushes previously, but the others just I just pass the grainy stuff.
Because I am on a strict diet now I don't suffer the same pain, but if I falter and have something fatty or rich, it kicks in again and I can suffer the same amount of pain.
After my 3rd flush I had the worst pain. I think a stone was stuck, and I just drank apple juice and fasted for a while.
I was too scared to do another flush so soon, so lived with the pain until it settled.
This time I have no pain at all. I just can't understand why I am not passing stones. Do you think they are being broken up? That is about the only answer that I have. Hope you can fill me in on what to do.
I know I am so naughty for comparing my flush to my partners, but he just went to the toilet again, and passed about 100 stones this time..... jeesssshhhh,.... that makes a total for him today of 160. Me zilch. He isn't overweight, or unfit. I didn't think he would have had much to flush (neither did he)
Am I jealous, you can bet your sweet bippy on that one.
i am going to do a coffee enema now, but still don't think that I will pass any stones now.



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