Re: follow up question from kapule
1. Sounds like you may have some type of hypoglycemia. If symptoms begin <2 hours after eating the hypo, it is usually due to digestion. For example, you could have malabsorption of fats due to not enough bile which would throw off your blood
Sugar balance. A congested liver also may not store/release blood
Sugar properly.
H. pylori, other types of malabsorption, and other reasons could also be contributing factors, such as adrenal fatigue. Test adrenals with a home test kit that uses four saliva samples in a 24 hour period available from Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratories or Biohealth Diagnostics.
Long story short, you are right to steer clear of fruit juice, much less a fruit juice fast. (In my opinion it's unnecessary. I found that I can eat protein and fats on the day of the cleanse as long as I don't stuff myself and stop eating at 2:00 PM. It is not necessary to "prepare" several days or weeks in advance by fasting or doing anything else.)
You might try the Atkins Diet for a couple of weeks, eating every two or three hours, or more if necessary. When your liver improves, I imagine that this situation will improve. After a couple of weeks you might try some carbs, but eat low on the glycemic index (, Take it slowly and see how it goes.
2. Some folks on this board have reported good luck in temporarily eliminating gallbladder pain using a castor oil pack. I'm a little unclear about the specifics. Perhaps you could do a search and find some of this posts. If you need additional info, you could post a new message and ask your castor oil pack questions.
3. It sounds like you need a gentle cleansing method. Butterfly had one with 1/4 c. olive oil and 2 Tbsp. lemon juice (I think grapefruit juice would also work). There's no
Epsom Salts to dilate and relax the ducts & valves though, but I think it's the ES that tends to create the nausea. Others may have better feedback on this for you. Maybe you could use your husband as a guinea pig! :)
Good luck and let us know how you do!