He that was me who posted I was sick as a dog for two days. It was not so bad that I threw up though. I was having pains on that side of the body and they completely went away after having them for 5 months. Do not be scared although I always feel the same way before I do it and everytime it has went well except for the being sick part. But really I just took it easy and drank a ton of apple juice. Two days later I felt wonderful!!! My food started to digest so much better. Besides I was just whining which I am very good at. I also HATE throwing up and cry while my husband pats my back :) Just call me a big baby. Most everyone I know who does this does not feel anything but mild symptoms. i seem to be the exception. I think it was especially bad for me because I had just finished rehabbing one of my properties and I had been exposed to some really terrible chemicals. It was like they flooded my liver. The last two I was not sick at all.