Hi Cheryl...I just read through your previous posts. Glad to hear you're recovered from your first liver flush! (what courage to do your first one during the day - woah)
I'm wondering how your lungs are...just because I've seen it over and over again....if you go crazy eating pears (organic ones!) your bronchial cold will break, you'll start releasing all the green mucous and your lungs will heal right up. Depending where you're at right now, you might want to try that. Actually Edgar Cayce (forum) recommends a 3 or 4 day pear fast...my boyfriend started to do that when he was just sick and tired of his cough and bronchial infection...but he didn't complete the pear fast because after only a day he started coughing up stuff, his cough was gone and he was feeling great! Pears and lots of warm water.