Here are some really good links compiled into one message. Hope this helps everyone.
Link to Dr. Clark's son's site where her products and other items she reccommends, basically a one shop that does it all. I verified that it is indeed her son's site through "whois" search.
The link is:
Dr. Clark owns New Century Press as well where you can find all of her books along with others they publish as well. Verified site owner for this link as well.
I also mentioned another link for all of
Dr. Schulze 's fans. Doing research I found out that he studied under Dr. John Christoper who is now deceased but his work lives on at the school of natural healing in which Dr. Christopher founded. Dr. Christopher wrote the original books on the cold sheet treatment, the incurables program, detoxification and the mucusless diet. Listed are his formula's, recipes, etc. very valuable especially for those interested in the products such as "superfood." There are many wonderful collections of his work available here.
Link for great pictures on stones, their composition and so forth: This is a lab that states they are the world leader in stone analysis. Its a
kidney stone lab but the pics and info are invaluable and great for researching.
Link for Ohio State with a detailed
parasite search, tons of pictures.
Again I gave this link for reference for everyone previously. Shows a report where someone had stones tested in a lab and the actual lab results.
Hope these links are helpful and best wishes to everyone here at curezone.