That's good information. I'm going to make a note of it. But, I'm just curious, how did you know you had it? What were your symptoms? Did the doc diagnose you and how? If so, what test did the doc do to diagnose you, blood test? Do you think you got it in China? Do you have any ideas how and where you may have contracted it? From a dirty toilet, pets, or another person? I'm just curious, because this is quite an interesting bacteria. From what I read it is believed that a high percentage of people have it. But, most don't even know it, because they have mild symptons that only result in perhaps some little pains and don't even reallize it is from H.pylori. Others have it, but don't know it because it doesn't cause them any pain or discomfort whatsoever! I can only reason that this would depend on the severity of the infection and the immunity tolerance of the person. And this is also the case with a lot of other parasites and bacteria/virus. Generally, if the immune system is strong there may not be any symptoms whatsoever.