Heartfelt appriciations to those that replied and joined my forum. I appriciate your time. I guess I will start with a bowel clense and go to the parasite clense. The Protocol by Dr. Clark has no enemas listed. I do carry the symptoms, very much, what she observes. I am elated to get rid of them. I would try both the coffie enemas and the protocol of DR Clark. I somehow feel that Dr.Clark's 8 point programme is rather simplistic!! and does not include the Clay and husk that is part of the other clenses-- I am reading the Bowel Clense by DR.Clark. I would appriciate any opiniated nudges that are helpful. I am looking at the Forum here and would improve on the info there to get best results. I am ordering Clarika for the PC.
Thanks very much for your time and your valuable thoughts on this subject.