i don't think that CHass is a plant. i throw that accusation back at him on occasion because it seems so ludicrous that he would accuse anyone of it in the first place. in fact, i have only run across a 'plant' once in all of curezone and it was in another forum. i have no proof of it and so i didn't say so in the forum but it seemed rather obvious that this person was with quackwatch. instead, i do think that either CHass is a troll or just a person who likes to see what reactions he can stir in places like this. i never accused peacepatriot of this either. that is a mistake on your part. peacepatriot hasn't really been out of line with me and i have no problem with her/him. peacepatriot does have some issues with 2tuff and propolis because of their take on conspiracies regarding religion. that is unfortunately his/her loss. as far as my take on conspiracy, there is no one answer to who sits atop the all seeing pyramid. but to be blind to any of the possibilities is to be blind to all of them.
ps. if you live in the US...never, ever give up your guns!