Yes, Peace is Patriotic, But Is It This Noisy?
I think I find myself in the middle here. Permit me to explain myself.
Propolis is right regarding the crimes of the modern state of Israel, but the Palestinians are not innocent themselves. Both sides have their bloodthirsty fanatics, and both peoples should be ashamed. But they won't. And he is right about the need to defend ourselves from the government. Goodness, the massacre at Waco in the Nineties should have proved it to us beyond all doubt.
Peacepatriot is right regarding Anunnaki and his New Age White Supremecism Cult. He was also right regarding what he thinks of whoever disagrees with him, however gently. And this just recently with #2491, calling him ignorant - if it's a him - even though he doesn't know the guy (or girl). But the solution of only not joining the "military-industrial complex" is not enough. Not wishing hate on any race or religion is not enough.
Further, you have mutual accusations of being NWO/government disinformation agents. Icky and Propolis accuse Chas and Peacepatriot of being plants for the bad guys. Chas and Peacepatriot accuse Icky and Propolis of being "agents provocateur" for the NWO. Each claims the others are really working for the enemy. My goodness!
Some goof off the street, reading all this acrimony, could just as easily claim that BOTH sides are part of the same group, but each alternating the role of "good cop/bad cop". All to keep the Joe and Jave Averages off their rockers. Who knows?
What I do know is that we must cut the size and power of BOTH big government and big business.
That we must get out of debt as quickly as possible.
That we must close our borders to illegal aliens.
That we must protect small businesses and co-operatives from both government over-regulation and big business rapacity.
That we must strenghten the traditional and extended family, as well as fight the Sexual Revolution until it is gone, come what may.
If either side considers this not enough, or not good enough, then I don't know how to answer you.
Anyway, that's my two cents. Thank you all for listening.