I got some information from http://www.renewlife.com/ regarding their digestive health products, like Para-Gone, after a friend had great success using them. I noted that in the info pack they cited a study that found a link with Giardia, which can induce "Leaky Gut" Syndrome, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/CFS. That would explain how Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome seemed to show up in geographical areas like Chapel Hill and Lake Mead. The article, entitled GUT REACTIONS by Wendy Marston, cited a study of California and Nevada Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients as sharing only one thing in common--Giardia infection, a waterborne- parasite suspected of causing tears in the intestines. Elizabeth Lipski, author of the 1997 book, "Digestive Wellness," says there is a virtual epidemic of Leaky Gut Syndrome which presents with a wide array of symptoms, including Autism and ADD.