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Human Beings, Human Doings
Karlin Views: 1,453
Published: 20 y

Human Beings, Human Doings

There are two ways to live our lives - DOINGS AND BEINGS.

There are 2 ways we can spend our time: BEING or DOING.

Define -
When we are focused on what we are feeling - tactile, sound, smell, etc - using our 5 basic senses - AND existing in "the present moment", then we are "BEING". Being ourselves, actually.

People become "DOINGS" when we are focused on a goal and fully immersed in it, having thoughts of the future or past, active to the point where all our s4enses are ignored because they hae to be to get the goal done. If you are feeling tired, notice the aches, bad smells, loud noises and so on, it would distract you from your task and imperil the efficiency of finishing the goal.

"Increased Production" is the mantra of industry and corporate mindset for 100 years. Having a population of Humans Doing instead of Human Beings goes a long ways to increasing production. Connect the dots and see that we have been manipulated into becoming "Human Doings".
"Social Engineering" has planted the idea that we must be productive and from that all things will come. Money, actually. We have been hammered over and over with the idea that money is the thing that gets us all things we need or want out of life. Produce at your workplace and then you prosper ; if not productive, then you suffer.

We have been encouraged, trained, to ignore the BEING aspect of our consciousness. Those who do will surely fail to prosper.

Compare -
I suspect that historically, humans spent a lot more of their time "BEING" than "DOING". By comparison, animals are fully "being" all the time. Notice how they are much more calm than people are, spending hours totally zoned out, just being.

When we are pursuing a goal, our consciousness is in fantasy - the future - where you see the finished product and what it means to you[paycheque]. There is no room for "what we are feeling in the present moment".

Our Senses -
Present Moment Awareness - What the texture of a glasss of water feels like, for eg. - are constantly ignored and interrupted "by more important things", like the goal.
The "Doing Human" notices how much water is drank [quantifying], and none of the sound-taste-texture, and not likely "how does this water make ME feel" consciousness at all. Doings missed the richness of that moment, whereas Beings drank it all in.

The Result:
Anxiety is the result.
"Ignoring the alarms" of our sensory systems is obviously going to cause anziety, much more than the alarm itself!! We stuff it into the back of our minds, but it is there and it is churning over and over until we pay attention to it.
Add to that the general anxiety of being out of touch with our senses!
- by comparison, meditation practise shows us that focusing on "what we are feeling" [and not reacting to it] brings on a calm feeling; and that being in the present moment is allways less stressfull than considering the future and past, even if you are in pain {future pain has potential to be "much worse", and past pain can have "emotional multiplyers" with it].

So ignoring the present will cause anxiety. We seek ways to deal with that anxiety. The first thing we reach for is something for our stomachs, and the only thing we let ourselves feel anymore [legally] is our stomach.
We are encouraged to feel that, to pamper it, to give it exactly what it is calling out for. There is a physical reason for that that supports the manipulation efforts - our colon contains the Enteric Nervous System which controlls and mediates much of our emotions. Thats where the neurotransmitters mostly exist - it is our 2nd brain. We never talk of it.... such awareness might give us control of our emotions.
No wonder then that we have become an obese nation - the only thing "they" encourage us to pay attention to is our stomach. We can do it fast too, right now with a Big Mac drug.
Adding to the obesity is the fact that we are making up for all our "sensory slamming" by administering to our stomachs only. Or,put another way - of all the tools we have to regain the awarenss of the present moment, we are only using our stomachs. Eating brings us into the present moment easily, and we relish it, it is meditation in a way. However, we choose to do that for only one bite often, and then igonore the taste and texture and chewing motions and sounds and smells of the Big Mac in trade for "whats next" to do, gotta hurry up, get some napkins, lets eat on the way, thinking about other people in other places at other times...

We never talk of lots of things, like it is a social taboo. These are manipulations, exactly what the Elites have fed to us. Increasing production is their goal, whereas most people just want to live well, feel life. We want to be Human Beings, but that would DECREASE production. We would be happier, but with less material goods - would you vote to go for that?> I would. If only we knew how good life could be in the present moment...




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