Without doubt the best way to get a response in a violent situation is to do nothing. Yes there will be loss of life on the side you stand with, but human sacrifice is one of the few ways to get a result in such volatile situations. If you can sacrifice the few to save the masses then this is surely the lesser of two evils. On the other hand, who are we to dispute the way the cards fall, yes hitler was responsible for atrocities on a scale that almost gains respect, you kill one man you are a murderer, you kill several and your a serial killer, but when someone kills millions you have to step back and say......thats quite an achievment. Perhaps not one to be proud of but an increadible achievement non the less.
The past can not be changed, nor should it be. The universe will unfold as it inevitably should and as wrong as it may seem, it happened, which makes it natural and the way the future unfolds relies on the past, what is to say that if these atrocitis had not occured in the manner they did, that things would be any better/ or worse than they are.
Que sera sera whatever will be will be