Hi Me!It is late and I only got to skim thru it but know it is right on target.I'm sure you know John Hagee and today he was telling what is coming after this little war.Now!!Nobody jump down my throat please because I use the word little war compaired to what is to come.According to John,which really knows his prophecy like Hal Lindsey and Jack VanImpe.When this is over it won't be too long till the muslims get together and they will go after Isreal and we will be raptured.We just can't be sure if it is a matter of weeks or months r maybe a couple of yrs.We are just to be ready when that time comes.I don't know about you all but I try my best to be ready but still know how far I fall short.I know my rightousness is as filthy rags and my right standing with God is thru the blood of Jesus.But do any of you ever feel concerned about this?We can quote scripture right and left but I'm asking to tell what is really within you.If you get concerened sometimes?I'm feelling pretty sure nobody will admitt to it.But I'll admit
I feel,not worried,but just like I have let God down so much by not doing what I knew was right and sometimesdoing or saying things I know I shouldn't.