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Babylon and Iraq
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Babylon and Iraq

Will you please read this carefull and let me know what you think of this article?
If the writer is right, Iraq will be rebuild after this war and destroyed in the last days of the tribulation?
We live in days no generation have lived yet, because we are the generation who will see Jesus come back to earth!
Is'n this something? Every thing what is happening is in Gods plan and we can trust Him !!

Love you all in Christ, Me

An outreach of Gospel Truth Ministries

"And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses,
the same commit to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also" (II Tim. 2:2).



“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive” (Jn. 5:43).

Somewhere there is a man waiting in the wings, preparing to take center stage for the final drama. He was born for this hour. He will pull off the greatest deception the world has ever known. He will convince an unbelieving world that he is the Messiah. But he will be evil incarnate.

The vast majority of those who have studied the ancient Biblical prophecies believe that world conditions are ripe for his appearance.

It is hard to imagine a scenario where the Antichrist comes to power during a time of peace. We would expect him to make his appearance at a time of great chaos. Not just any form of chaos, but one centered around the Middle East. Yet the entire world will be involved. The world is looking for solutions to its seemingly hopeless situations. He will provide them, but only for a time.

How will he pull it off? The Christians are looking for the return of Jesus, the Jews are looking for the Messiah, and the Muslims are looking for the Mahdi (the Muslim end-times leader).

You’ve probably figured out where I’m going with this by now. He will deceive the Muslims, Jews, and the false Christian church, all at the same time. This will not be as difficult as it sounds. Author Gershom Gorenberg explains: “At the world’s end, the believers of three faiths will watch the same drama, but with different programs in their hands. In one Jesus is the Son of God; in another he is Muslim prophet … The infidels in one script are the true believers of another. The Jewish perspective holds that Messiah, a mortal man, will come to usher in the golden age of peace.”1

Once we begin to understand the end-time theology of these three great monotheistic religions, I think it will become clear just how close we are to the appearance of the man the Bible calls ‘the son of perdition.’


Americans seem to be trying to convince themselves that Islam is a religion of love. The fact is that if the Koran is approached from a literal interpretation, it teaches anything but love. Islamic theology demands that Islam must conquer the world for Allah. “Muslims believe that there can be no peace with Jews or Christians or any other non-Islamic people, and that if peace must be made, only a truce is permissible – and that ‘for a maximum of ten years as an expedient to hone our swords, whet our blood, and strengthen our will.’”2

Islam must destroy the Jews and rule Israel, or Muhammad is a false prophet, and the Koran is not true. To the Muslim mindset, this possibility would be unthinkable. The late Imam Hasan al-Bana of the Islamic Resistance Movement stated: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”3

According to Islamic theology, wars and immorality will increase in the latter days. Many would be surprised to learn that Muslims are looking for the return of Jesus. Muslims recognize Jesus as a great prophet and revere Him as Isa ibn Maryam – Jesus, the son of Mary.

According to the Koran, Jesus did not die, nor was He resurrected. He ascended up to Heaven after asking Allah to save Him from crucifixion. The Koran presents Jesus as a miracle worker who heals the blind, cures lepers and brings forth the dead. In this way Jesus manifests Himself as the Messiah, or “the anointed one.” When the end of the world approaches, Muslims believe that Jesus will descend to defeat the Antichrist, who incidentally is a Jew. Muslims also believe that His presence will prove the crucifixion was a myth and eventually he will die a natural death. He will return as a Muslim, in the sense that He will unite all believers in total submission to the one God.

Muslims also believe in the virgin birth, but deny that He is the Son of God. Jesus’ mother, Mary, is the only woman mentioned by name in the Koran. Muslims are not supposed to pray to anyone but Allah. But in popular devotions many ask Jesus or Mary for favors. “According to one recent estimate, visions of Jesus or Mary have occurred some 70 times in Muslim countries since 1985.”4

Muslims are currently looking for the Mahdi. They believe there are certain signs to look for pointing to the end of the age. You can count Muslim end-time prophecies on one hand. What few prophecies exist are vague and open to wide interpretation, unlike the detailed prophecies of the Bible. Many are by oral tradition alone.

According to Islamic eschatology, one of the signs pointing to the end of the age is a Jewish presence in Palestine. They believe a great clash with the Jews is imminent. “Sheik Muhammed Abd al Hadi La’afi was quoted in the official Palestinian Authority Newspaper Al-Hayet Al-Jadeeda on May, 18, 2001, claiming that the Islamic writing Hadith, declares: ‘the day of resurrection will not arrive until the Muslims make war against the Jews and kill them.’”5

Another sign that Muslims believe is pointing to the approaching hour is the presence of “Byzantines” invading the northwest corner of Saudi Arabia. They are supposed to be a yellow-haired people from a foreign land. This was one of the things that enraged Osama bin Laden against the U.S. The American presence in Saudi Arabia during the Persian Gulf War was viewed as fulfillment of this prophecy.

It would be an erroneous assumption to believe that Muslims are afraid of an attack by an American-Israeli coalition. They see this as the final battle and the end of the age, one in which Allah is sure to grant them victory.


Since the Old Testament contains 318 prophecies concerning the Second Coming, the Jews believe that the coming of Messiah is at the door. All across the nation of Israel there are billboards proclaiming, “Messiah is coming.” This message is even being displayed on the bumper stickers of Israeli cars.

Jewish scholars realize that the current world conditions give every indication that the prophecies of the ancient Jewish prophets are about to be fulfilled.

The Jewish perspective of Bible prophecy views history as consisting of two ages. The first is the present age, the age in which Israel is waiting for the Messiah. The second is the age to come, the “Millennial Kingdom,” in which Israel would enter into her promised blessings. The present age would be terminated by the appearance of Messiah, and the coming age would be introduced by His advent.

In Acts 1:6 the disciples asked Jesus, “Lord is it at this time you are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” They were asking about the timing of the future Messianic kingdom, in which Messiah would reign on earth for a thousand years. Jesus answered, “It is not for you to know the times of seasons which the Father has put in his own power.” You’ll notice that Jesus never denied that a literal thousand-year kingdom was coming; a time when Israel will finally realize a great time of peace.

The Millennial Kingdom is a doctrine recognized by Christians and Jews alike. However, the current Church age is a doctrine recognized by Christians only. The Church, made up of both Jews and Gentiles, is a temporary “mystery” in the overall plan of God (Eph. 3:1-10).

Jewish eschatology does recognize a coming time of trouble after which Messiah will come and rescue the people of Israel from invading armies (Zech. 14:3). Messiah will then rebuild the Temple and rule over the entire world from Jerusalem (Mal. 3:1).

If you ask the average Jewish person, how they will recognize the Messiah when He comes, they will usually answer, “He will bring peace.” Many Jews have also said, “We’ll recognize the Messiah, He’ll be the one that rebuilds the Temple.” The rebuilding of the Temple is of extreme importance to religious Jews. Many believe that they have been sinning by omission since Jerusalem was recaptured in 1967. Rabbi Nahman Kahane of the Temple Institute stated, “All Jewish history as far as we’re concerned is one big parenthesis until the Temple is returned.”6

Some Jews believe that Israel should rebuild the Temple in preparation for the coming Messiah. However, most religious Jews believe that they should wait for the Messiah to come. Since they are unsure about the exact location of the ‘holy of holies,’ they are afraid to tread on the Temple mount.

Currently, the Muslims control the Temple Mount, and any attempt by the Israeli’s to take it back would be tantamount to starting World War III. With all the bloodshed Israel has endured over the years, it is certainly understandable why they are longing for their Messiah.


Just as the Jews, Christians also believe in a coming Messiah who will reign in a millennial Temple. However, prior to this, the false messiah will stand in the third Temple and cause the entire world to worship him. To the Jews, the millennial Temple is the third Temple. To the Christians, it is the fourth. That’s because the Jews don’t have the light of the New Testament to fill in the details.

Israel is expecting the first appearance of the Messiah. To the Christians, it is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the Christians.

As far as end-time theology is concerned, there is one doctrine that is completely unique to Christianity. The doctrine of the rapture exists in none of the world’s other major religions. With the exception of a few New Age groups (primarily UFO cults), this doctrine is unheard of.

The rapture was a mystery revealed only in the New Testament (I Cor. 15:51,52). The word “mystery” appearing 27 times in the New Testament does not refer to some mysterious event or phenomena waiting to be solved, but rather a previously hidden truth now revealed by God, known only by divine revelation.

The “Rapture” is the catching away of the Church to meet the Lord in the air. Jesus Christ will return from Heaven and remove the Church from the earth to be forever with the Lord (I Thess. 4:13-18). This event is called the “Blessed Hope” (Titus 2:13).

It is the timing of this event that Christians are divided on. Since this subject is not a matter of salvation, it should never be an issue that divides the Church of Jesus Christ.

For the sake of clarity, the particular view of the author is from a dispensational point of view, that is pre-millennial, pre-tribulational. This view holds that Jesus will return for His Church prior to the seven-year tribulation period. After this, the Antichrist will make his appearance upon the world scene. Seven years later, Jesus will return and defeat the armies of the Antichrist.

It is through the theologies of these three major religions that the Antichrist will deceive the world. Now let’s revert back to the war on terror, and how it will likely lead to the coming of the Antichrist.


The end game for the Antichrist is simple. It’s all about timing. All he has to do is wait for the right moment to step onto the world scene. The end-time theology of Islam will set the stage, then pave the road for the rise of Antichrist.

Most of the people living in Islamic nations are living under extreme oppression at the hands of their leaders. Fear is a driving force behind Islam. Many of the suicide bombers live miserable lives of extreme poverty that seem to hold little meaning. The promise of Paradise in exchange for martyrdom appears to be a ‘no-lose’ situation for many Muslims. This type of fanaticism will only cause the violence against Christians and Jews to intensify, keeping the world in a state of constant tension.

Even greater dangers are the end-time beliefs of Islam. Unlike Christians and Jews, Muslims believe that they, themselves, must bring about their version of Armageddon. Since the day of resurrection cannot take place until Islam destroys the Jews, and ultimately all non-Muslims, they are looking forward to the “approaching hour.” Now that Islam has sophisticated chemical, biological, and even nuclear weapons in their arsenal, they believe the time is at hand. It’s only a matter of time before they attempt to bring about the end game.

By all appearances, we are about to witness the literal fulfillment of the end-time prophecies foretold by the ancient prophets. According to scripture, three major wars will develop in the end-times:


Scripture reveals three stages in the rise and fall of Babylon (Iraq). The first stage of Babylon’s destruction occurred during the lifetime of the prophets in 538 B.C. The second stage is described in Jeremiah 50 as a coalition of nations coming against Iraq from the north. This is still a future prophecy. When the destruction of Babylon occurred in 538 B.C., the attack came from the east by the Medes and Persians. The current coalition against terror is made up of North American and Northern European nations. The technology described in this war also appears to be sophisticated weaponry:

“…their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man; none shall return in vain” (Jer. 50:9).

Grant Jeffrey asks, “could Jeremiah have seen in his vision weapons such as Tomahawk cruise missiles and smart laser-guided weapons hitting targets with great technical precision as none shall return in vain?”7

The third and final stage of Babylon’s destruction will take place in the last days leading up to the Battle of Armageddon. Babylon’s ultimate destruction is described in Isaiah chapter 13.

Whether or not the current war rhetoric being shouted across the Atlantic between the U.S. and Iraq will lead to the second phase of the destruction of Babylon remains to be seen. However, in our current world climate where so much of the prophetic scriptures are finding fulfillment, we would have to believe that this war must be on the horizon in the very near future.


The second end-time war mentioned in the prophetic scriptures is the war of Gog and Magog. This war, described in Ezekiel 38-39 is an invasion of Israel by a coalition of Islamic nations led by Russia. In this war the Lord will supernaturally intervene and will unleash a great earthquake to destroy the Russian army.

The Lord will afflict the Russian-Islamic armies with madness that will cause them to turn on each other. This war definitely appears to go nuclear at least to some degree (Ezk. 38:19-22). 85% of the Russian army will die on the mountains surrounding the borders of Israel (Ezk. 39:2).


The third war mentioned in scripture for the end-times is the Battle of Armageddon. In this war the nations of the east will mobilize a 200 million-man army against the armies of the west under the military leadership of the Antichrist (Rev. 16:12). These armies will then turn and attempt to fight the army from Heaven led by Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:19). At this time the Lord will defeat the armies of the world gathered together against Jerusalem. He will then set up His millennial kingdom on planet earth.

All these end-time prophetic events might be really interesting, but what does all this have to do with the coming of Antichrist? Now let’s see if we can tie it all together. The first thing we have to remember is that the Antichrist’s rise to power is marked by great deception. In fact, the deception will be so great that Jesus warned us: “For there shall arise false christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Mt. 24:24).

This deception will likely reach a level that I can’t even imagine. In spite of this, I’ll offer my scenario from the available information revealed in the prophetic portions of scripture.

The one thing we know that Antichrist will do is to give the appearance of fulfilling scripture in order to convince Israel and the false church that he is the Messiah. After this, all the other religions will fall into place.

In order to complete his first deception, he’ll need to have the stage set for him:


While I believe that a war with Iraq could set the wheels in motion for the final scenario to play out, the more likely scenario is an invasion of Iran or Syria. If a coalition of nations invades Iraq and they were to unleash chemical or biological weapons against the invading armies, the coalition will likely devastate the nation. This would seem to be more consistent with scripture. However, Iraq will not be completely destroyed until sometime near the end of the tribulation period.

A later invasion of Iran or Syria could possibly set off the “Gog and Magog” invasion of Israel. For several years now, Iran and Syria have set a goal to create a united Arabic coalition. “The strategic objective of the Damascus-Tehran alliance is to unite all of the Islamic countries of the world from Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkey to the six former Soviet Islamic republics to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya to all the nations of Africa. Islamic fundamentalism will lead all of them into Jihad. Iran will be the great spiritual leader and Syria, the main military power.”8

Should the war on terror draw the U.S. into an invasion of one of these nations, they would likely attempt to draw Israel in. When Israel retaliates, Russia would be forced to move. According to Hal Lindsey’s intelligence sources, “the Russians, fearing an Iranian alliance with their southern neighbors, made a secret agreement with Tehran.”9 The Russians exchanged their most sophisticated arms with Iran in order to help itself economically. Lindsey comments, “Iran is armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons – that ought to keep you awake at night.”10

The Islamic world has big plans for Russia. Iran is looking forward to a time when the Islamic world can draw Russia into a war against Israel. Hal Lindsey says, “an agreement that ultimately will draw Russia into such a war was signed in 1991. Russia seems to be led into this conflagaration reluctantly, almost against its will.”11

This alliance could very well be the “hooks in the jaw” of Russia prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel:

“And I will turn you about, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them weilding swords; Persia, Ethiopia [Cush], and Put with them, all of them with shield and helmet; Gomer with all its troops; Beth-Togamar from the remote parts of the north with all its troops: and many peoples with you” (Ezk. 38:2-6).

This war will be World War III. There will likely be nuclear devastation to a large degree (Ezk. 38:22). We know this for several reasons. Israel will burn the Russian weapons for seven years (Ezk. 39:9). Seven years is the shelf life of nuclear weapons. It will take Israel seven months to bury the dead of their enemies (Ezk. 39:12). The bodies of the dead will be contaminated with radiation. Scripture tells us that Israel will hire professionals to handle the bodies (Ezk. 39:14). No one will be able to touch them; instead they will set up markers so the professionals can handle the corpses (Ezk. 39:15).

Some scholars believe the U.S. could face a nuclear exchange with Russia in this war: “And I will send fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the Isles…” (Ezk. 39:6). Could this be a war pitting superpower against superpower? We can’t know for sure, but it is a frightening thought.

After the devastation, the world will believe that the Battle of Armageddon has just taken place. I can just envision CNN broadcasting the Battle of Armageddon, live from Israel. The problem is, the real Armageddon is still seven years away. However, the Muslims and Jews don’t know this.

As far as Israel is concerned, they have always associated this war with what we would call Armageddon. They associate this war with Zech. 14:1-3, which is the Battle of Armageddon. Without the New Testament they cannot make the distinction between the “Gog and Magog” invasion and the final battle which is followed immediately by the millennial reign of the Messiah (Zech. 14:9). Even the sky will be darkened from the nuclear fallout, just as it will be after Armageddon (Zech. 14:6).

It is a known fact that “the ancient Jewish sages warned that the generation that witnessed the Russian preparation to invade Israel should prepare their hearts because the coming of the Messiah was at hand.” 12

After this war the European Union will emerge as the greatest economic, political, and military power on earth (Dan. 2:40-43). The false messiah is now ready to step onto the world stage.


With the world in a stunned state of chaos and devastation, out of Europe will arise a man who will recognize that the world’s problems revolve around the Arab-Israeli conflict. This man will offer comprehensive solutions to the problems facing planet earth. Dan. 9:27 reveals that the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel for one week [seven years]. This deal will likely include Israel’s right to rebuild the Temple. We know this because the Antichrist will sit in the Temple at the mid-point of the tribulation (II Thess. 2:4). Also Israel will be allowed to re-institute the Old Testament sacrifice (Dan. 9:27).

The peace treaty confirmed by the Antichrist will likely involve the creation of a Palestinian state: Dan. 11:39 tells us, “he will divide the land for gain.” This man will appear to finally bring world peace, but it will be an illusion (II Thess. 5:3).

Jerusalem will probably become an international city with the Jews sharing the Temple Mount with the Muslims (Rev. 11:1,2). Since the Jews are looking for the Messiah to rebuild the Temple, the deception will be easy.

This man will bring about a quick economic rebound after the war. Scripture tells us “he will come in peaceably and cause craft to prosper (Dan. 8:25). A man who will finally bring solutions to the world’s problems will be received by the entire world, including Islam. Dan. 11:38 says, “he will honor the god of forces. Could this be a reference to Allah? Islam itself is called the “religion of the sword.”

Although this man will be loved by the entire world, he’ll still have to convince everyone that he is the Messiah. The deception will be incredible. He’ll have to convince the religious leaders that he is the one they’ve been waiting for. We’ve already seen the deception of the false Armageddon, but there is more to come.


The false messiah will claim that the New World Order has arrived. In his book, One World Under Anti-Christ, Peter Lalonde writes, “Not just Israel, but the whole world could be equally deceived in thinking that under the leadership of ‘the Christ’ the millennium has actually begun. This gives great insight into God’s warning that ‘by peace [the Antichrist] shall destroy many (Dan. 8:25).” 13

Remember, Jewish theology only recognizes two ages: this present age and the millennial reign of the Messiah. The Jews are not looking for God in the flesh. They believe that no man could possibly be God. So the one that brings peace, from their perspective, will be the Messiah.

Even the United Nations uses a quote from the Bible that seems to be setting up this deception of a coming millennium: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares,” a clear reference to the millennium, when the whole world will dwell in peace. But when we view the entire scripture, the deception becomes even clearer.

“And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isa. 2:4).

It is interesting that one of the symbols for the United Nations is a white horse. In Revelation 19 Christ returns on a white horse. It may be symbolic but the deception is clear. The Antichrist will convince the world that he is Christ. While there is debate among Christians about who the rider is in Revelation 6, my personal opinion is that this rider is the Antichrist. It is an imitation of the true Messiah.

Another interesting portion of this scripture is: “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people.” That could set up another deception.


The rise of the Antichrist at the beginning of the seven-year tribulation period will coincide very closely with the rapture of the Church. How will he explain this away? This man will be a smooth talker, using the same tactics that his father the devil has always used. Once again, he’ll use scripture. He may point to Mt. 13:49:

“So shall it be at the end of the world [age]: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just.”

This event is not scheduled for another seven years, at the beginning of the real millennium. Peter Lalonde comments: “Indeed the Bible seems to indicate that no one left behind after the rapture will believe that it was the rapture that just happened. The strong delusion that God releases upon the world at that moment will help to blind the world to that fact.”14

He will claim that he has separated the sheep from the goats. But it is the evil people who were removed from the earth. But what about the rapture scriptures in the Bible? This will not be a problem for the left-behind, apostate church. Many liberal theologians no longer believe in a literal rapture. Increasingly, it is being promoted as a false doctrine. They are treating this doctrine as merely symbolic. Even the world’s largest conservative denomination views the rapture as “symbolic and not referring to a literal catching up of Christians to Heaven, an idea in which Catholics consider to be a delusion.” 15

We know the Antichrist will open his mouth in blasphemy against God, and His people:

“And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:6,7).

He will accuse Christians of being narrow-minded bigots who taught Jesus as the one and only way. They were against the unification of all the world’s religions. They will be glad we’re gone. He will then persecute the tribulation saints, the ones who didn’t buy his lies.

“And he shall speak great words against the most high, and shall wear out the saints of the most high…” (Dan. 7:25).

The liberal theologians will throw their full support behind this wicked man. He will tell the world that he is ruling with a rod of iron (Ps. 2:9), fulfilling the Messianic prophecy. Therefore, all the rebels must be eliminated. Now at last, peace and unity will prevail among the nations.


The Antichrist will receive a deadly head wound and will be healed, or at least appear to be healed (Rev. 13:13). His miraculous recovery will cause the whole world “to wonder after the beast.” They will worship the false messiah and the Dragon (Satan).

This may be the most dramatic deception of them all. After his resurrection he will point to Dan. 9:26 and claim to have fulfilled the scriptures related to the death of the Messiah. He may even hang between life and death for a time before dying, fulfilling the scriptures of the “suffering Messiah” (Ps. 22; Isa. 53).


Morris Cerullo sees a deception that goes even beyond all this. I have to admit, when I first read about this possibility, I didn’t see it. After looking at it a little closer I can see that it is a possibility. Cerullo believes that a peace treaty dividing the land of Israel will come first. He says, “when that peace comes, many will proclaim it to be the peace treaty signed by the Antichrist – but it will instead be the peace that is necessary for the war of Gog and Magog to happen.”16

How could that be if the Antichrist is the one to divide the land? First of all, the Antichrist will confirm a covenant for seven years. In other words, he will ratify or enforce an already existing covenant. It’s not hard to imagine a scenario where a peace treaty is signed, then never initiated by Israel. Perhaps suicide bombings, or an attack of some other type will force Israel to continue their occupation of the West Bank.

This situation could draw the Russians and Arabs into a conflict with Israel in order to enforce the treaty. The real Antichrist would then claim that this world leader, the one who signed the original treaty, was the Antichrist. Can you see the level of deception that the world could plunge into? No wonder Jesus said, “If it were possible they shall deceive the very elect (Mt. 24:24).


The Antichrist will solidify his deception with signs and lying wonders (II Thess. 2:9). There are multitudes of people who will follow someone who just talks a good game. Imagine the following of a man capable of doing miracles. Scripture also mentions a second character capable of doing miracles on the same level with the Antichrist. They are even able to make fire come down from Heaven (Rev. 13:13). This man is called the false prophet. He is also a key player in Satan’s end game. He will be the leader of the end-time apostate church called “Mystery Babylon.”



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