We as Christians love and respect the Jewish people as G-d's chosen people, and we know that He has a special place in His heart designated for you. I often go to Jewish website and read Israeli news (in English of course, although I would love to learn Hebrew). I bless and support the Israelis and the nation Israel and the Jewish people, because of G-d's love for you and His command to bless you.
And Jesus being a Jew is my Lord and Saviour. I choose Him because I can see Him in the Hebrew Scriptures. He said that they (the Hebrew Scriptures) testify of Him. And because my life totally change when I accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour.
Anyway, there is an interesting link below. It is a debate at a college between a Jewish Rabbi and a Christian preacher. Very interesting debate. I don't think either's mind was changed but it is good to here both sides. Please check it out if you have time.