Please refrain from sarcasm and bad humor. This is a matter of life and death
:to too many people, including innocent babies, to be made a matter of play.
:There are more Zionists in America than in Israel. As Arabs, you all know that
:Zionism is no more holy than Nazism and Communism. It simply is a rationale
:invasion and conquest. You know that; most Americans do not.
:Americans don't read. They don't like subjects that require more than a
:moment's thought, and that's why they love television. Television is the place
:to tell the truth; however, when was the last time you watched a Muslim owned
:station in the U.S.?
:Please, write to the embassies of every Muslim country in the world, and ask
:them to put petty differences aside to sponsor a cable network in the U.S. All
:I see is pro-Zionist propaganda. Even the Christian fundamentalist extremists,
:like Falwell and Roberts are all for Israel. What a twisted picture of
:Palestinians America sees. That must stop. Zionism must be shown for the evil
:it is by the evil it has done.
:Also, I ask you to go to this site:
:and read the honest report on the origins of the Palestinian conquest written
:by some intelligent, good Jews. Bless them with all your heart. Remember what
:Allah told his apostle to say to the People of the Book: "Our God and your God
:is one." The Spider, 29:46.