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Re: the march of the heathens.. trudge, trudge, trudge...
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Re: the march of the heathens.. trudge, trudge, trudge...

By the way,Nobody is condeming you but yourself.We shall not cut your head off.If you would bother to read the bible that happens when the antichrist is in control and only happens to the pp that will not except the mark of the beast{666}.The way you are going y ou will likely take the mark and once you have there is NO TURNING BACK!If you don't want to hear the truth,go back to your occult forums."For I am not ashamed of the gospel".My friend next door is starting a bible study this weekend with just she and I and I'll never soft sell the gospel because it hurts some heathens feelings. I'll talk to you if you want but WHY are you at the christian forum intead of at the occult forum?You're looking for the truth and you haven't found it there.I'm not one of the christians that will sit back and just preach love,I preach the whole WORD!Jesus did not soft sell what would happen if you refused to accept and neither will I.Some othr christians in this forum have told me to just be "milk toast",if you know what that is.That was not my calling.I still love you in Christ's love and that is why I'll not compromise HIS WORD.In the beginng was the WORD and the word became FLESH,and without HIM was not anything that was made.If you would STUDY and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you would know.Jesus,Father,and Holy Spirit made the world.NOTHING was made without Jesus.I'm tired and not going to look up the exact passages.You can type,your not stupid.Pick up u'r bible and read. you bore me."Casting perals before swine"."If they will not recieve you,shake the sand off you'r feet and go on to the next town".So!What is your answer?I can sure answer it but I'm different from the others because I'll say it like it is if you like it or not.That does not mean I don't love you nor worry about where you are headed to.I'm not trying to win a personality contest here.I pray daily for you pp but I'm not going to pull punches.


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