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Re: Superfood suitable for meal replacement??
alisaun Views: 3,236
Published: 22 y
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Re: Superfood suitable for meal replacement??


The Water Cure involves more than just water. The salt portion of it is what helps this water be absorbed by your system. If you just drink tons of water, your body has a much harder time absorbing it. To make it more saline, by using salt, it absorbs much better. "Water Cure" on this site.

If I was perfect (which I am so not), I would be eating a mostly raw organic vegetarian diet. But to each their own. There are some good forums here for diet.

I would recommend to stay away from processed food and food dyes and refined sugar, caffeine, and white flour.

I am trying myself, and definitely battle the sugar/junk food cravings.

Good luck!



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