Paulette, hi I can tell you this my siter has taken Dr.Schulze #1 formula for a while she says it is great...I tried it when I was in the states and I can tell you after three days I had a bowel movement that lasted for a good 5 minutes with absolutly no pain or cramping...I was so inpressed I had my daughter order me three bottles to send to me...My friend and I gave her husband two pills one night and told him they were vitamins...The next day he called her and said honey I just had the best poop I have ever had and we both laughed so much we had to tell him what we gave him the night before..And he is a cronic constipater all his life...And his super tonic..I think it is called...My sister makes her own from his recipe..While I was at her house visiting..The night before I was due to leave..I had an extremly painful urine infection...after having a hysterectomy I get them about once a year now...anyway..I could not sleep ..couldn't stand sit or lay it was so painful..The next morning on the way to the airport...An hour and 1/2 drive my sister had me taking 1 spoon of super tonic every 20 minutes..and i promise by the time I got on my plane the infection was gone...completly...I watched it cure her kids of streep throat in two days taking it every 20 is really amasing stuff and easy to make as well...anyway now that I have ramble on and on. sorry ...just my two cents worth...