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Religion forum.
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Religion forum.

Chuckle, chuckle... very good.

There is a solution. Make the Christianity Forum a 'support' group for practicing Christians (with a *disclaimer*) and then open a 'Religion forum'. Maybe it will die, or maybe people will support it. But it will solve the problem.

My Christian forum -- (yes, I actually own a Christianity board, one that I first started to discuss the origins of Christianity) -- turned into a 'modern' Christianity Forum with the regulars all mostly discussing the fine points of how scripture applies to current issues. They are the main participants, so that was OK with me. I moderate the Conspiracy forum next door, and it makes for some interesting cross posts!

I have taken up all sorts of questions with the folks there (the kind that really seemed to offend folks here) and all was discussed without rancor (and without preaching). But the main folks there are pacifists. with a couple od exceptions (and the moderator is a Quaker). Anyway, I felt I had to question the gung-ho Christian types here on why they believe war and killing is OK.

I JUST don't get that.... ;-)




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