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Re: Wizard the thick skinned....
Wizard Views: 3,725
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 434,273

Re: Wizard the thick skinned....

I'm not all that peeved -- although the post I spent time on gave the some history on the 'voluntary' personal income tax scam from the privately owned Federal Reserve bank, and the reasons you aren't actually 'required by law' to pay it (the forum's loss, not mine, as I know this stuff already)

However, I will make a suggestion here, based on the fact that I have been a forum owner for over 5 years.

Either you have open forums with an open exchange of ideas, or you don't. Period. If you don't want open forums, take everything down that does not have to do with healing. Then you have will Support Forums . No controversial forums, no controversial topics.

Or split the main menu into Support Forums and open forums... something... however you can't have a 'hands off' policy on certain open topic forums because some of the members 'might' get offended. Not unless you want this to keep happening over and over again when new people arrive at curezone.

If the Christians want a feel good support form, fine. I have no problem with that. Then call it a support forum, or have a closed forum (not listed) and open a Christian *discussion* forum so we can all exchange views. I have issues with American Christians. The Christian folks on this board are just the type of people that I don't understand and (aside from EV, bless her heart, who acts the most Christian-like of all of them), I don't get them. Anyway, all I was trying to do was engage these folks in some sort of dialog. If I have to poke them with a verbal stick to get it going, that's just my style.

Maybe a dialog is not possible, and that's OK too. However, if you can't attempt it in a forum that is designed for *open discussions*, something is wrong.



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