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Re: Hate Everybody
wheelslip Views: 2,230
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 434,111

Re: Hate Everybody

I, personally, think that you have not correctly identified
the "real" reasons for invading another soverign nation without
the justification of "acting in self defense." (It's not necessary
to get into detailed corroboration for the skinning of Saddam and his
- the world isn't blind!) But, why does a majority of the civilized
populace disagree with an invasion not supported by the U.N.? The
U.S. is invading for the following reasons:

The U.S. is countering the EEUs' efforts to gain economic dominance.
Saddam recently signed individual oil contracts with Russia and
France. The exchange currency was to be in Euros.

Saddam was providing massive monetary support to the Palestine cause. Israel
is in dire straits. Bush, a radical born-again Christian, is paying
back those who strongly financed his election. It has something
to do with "the second coming" and Christian control of Bethlehem.

Our dogma of "free trade" is running out of steam. The European Union
blocked us there and the Mid-East is about the only area that lassiez-
faire capitalism hasn't ravished. Our efforts to gain economic control of
these countries has been blocked by religious fundamentalism... they
don't want p 0 r n, discos, Survivors, greed, mate-swapping, alcoholism, drug dependency and all
of the other wonders of modern society.

Don't take the disgust for our society seriously... Clinton promoted
the same crap, but got along with our international neighbors.



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