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Re: Useful Idiots-peaceniks,liberal leftist and anti-americans.
wheelslip Views: 2,018
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 433,944

Re: Useful Idiots-peaceniks,liberal leftist and anti-americans.

I have several reasons for being against war without an
attempt at peaceful disarmament:

People who promote war before trying all other options
have probably never served in the military (see "chicken hawks")

As a Vietnam era vet, I remember the "chicken hawks" yelling "My
country, right or wrong!" - as they got their kids college
deferrments and "safe" National Guard assignments.

Then there was "Love it or leave it!" How can a Canadian tell
a Yank to love or leave his\her country? You must carry your
balls around in a wheelbarrow, Stof.

I and over half of the voters in the last Presidential election
voted against the draft dodger who would now lead us to a war
based on his and his financiers' religious convictions. We wound-up
with a stealth bible thumper and it's being exposed publicly
for the first time. This drumbeat we're hearing about treason is
similar to the one we get about eternal damnation - it's certainly
coming from the same fanatical fringe. Hitler would have loved
you all.



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