I bought the whole kit (38 'mother' flower essences) - so I just make them for all my friends and family when they feel they need them.
I'm not sure about the 'pre-made' ones...but I do know that your local health food store might have all the 'mothers' and mix you one up right then and there.
I really do feel that the essences help dissolve emotional blockages.
How old is your son? Did the fear start at a certain age? 14? 21? Does he have nightmares? Have you considered a hypnotherapist? Fear is one thing that a gooood hypnotherapist can really help people dispel, quite easily. (I took a week-long intensive hypnotherapy course last year! WOW it was quite amazing)
I've got to go now...but I'll check back...I don't like imagining that someone is living with that kind of fear - I hope he gets better quickly!