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Re: The Trouble Tree, Sent by Owen
rudenski Views: 1,317
Published: 19 y
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Re: The Trouble Tree, Sent by Owen

As a career and through marriages, I have always had a heart for helping and mentoring young people. From time to time, I have to go make a living to support my lifestyle(you know...eating and a electricty etc...) I am going to get work with children again this spring. I was offered a position as a canoe/kayak and safety instructor/ grant writer for three months. I am then going to work on energy efficient heating and air-conditioning systems this summer. I hope to introduce many of the spiritual concepts here in CureZone, my personal research and combine soul stuff with energized water and energy efficieny to create a healthier brighter future for the my children and grandchildren.

I have had some new insights from several CureZone posters about using electified water and vortexs that are particularly interesting. I am going to begin researching the possibility of merging some of these technologies with new energy efficiency technology. I desire to see a future for the world that is not based on the Darwinian model of the "survival of the fittest." In my greatest hope, each household could easily afford a descent place to live, clean water and nearly free energy for heating and cooling. The creation of nearly free energy will create strong resistence from energy companies that will want to block this effort but as long as there is an internet, there is a way to get the word out. Even without the internet, there is something changing about access to knowledge that may break down many barriers that have been created. I have started a new blog of the same name as my user name above(Living Water Sysyems). I will begin to collect articles and testemonies to support that vision.

I have had some breakthroughs with brain fog in just the last two days and I have a type of peace my spirit has not known for a long while. I am very close to connecting the dots. A major breaktrhough came after reading the last chapter of "The Secret Life of Plants." In this chapter, it was found in a study that plants people focused on with their positive attention by people who believed those plants would grow more quickly did so while those not focused on did not. I believe if I give energy to a brighter and cleaner world then the doomsayers who are casting spells and curses against my children and grandchildren's future will lose their ability to draw mankind into the dark trance of their even darker illusions. To dispell an illusion of darkness, all one must do is turn on a strong light. Children and children at heart first(maybe this is why I am drawn to working with children) and later adults will run to the light. A small candle, even at a distance, may draw light seekers away from the darkness of this world and draw them into a lighter brighter future. As the darkness grows darker, darkness has a magnificent pulling power that may pull and tighten the resolve of light seekers and help them focus their prayers and resolve on the tiniest light... My toddler closed the batroom door behind her with the light off, as I opened the door, she ran to me with arms wide open. It was not so much fear of darkness that drove her into my arms, even if that is part of it but rather there was a hunger for light. I believe the world is growing hungry for the kinds of things many have grown interested in about here in CureZone of late. We are all playing off of each other. One day soon, perhaps a thousnad little sparks will ignite into a glorious bright world. This is something I have had a vision about...and the vision is growing...



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