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Re: Ode To My Lost Sense of Humour
bluestar Views: 2,187
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 431,936

Re: Ode To My Lost Sense of Humour

it sound to me like you need a major dose of "letting go" ....

things change. your life before may have been the path to where you are now, but I think it wld be helpful if you wld stop comparing what was then to now .... Focus on what you have now and what you want to have now. Find a way to make it happen -- even if it is for only a few moments at a time.

miracles abound in the less dramatic life and humour may just be more subtle (as #52409) puts it .... or just different. Perhaps you havent discovered what tickles your funny bones in this remodeled version of you life - perhaps you still have some remodeling to do in order for to find that space in which you can relax and feel and laugh at the absurdities and sillinesses in our lives. Also, perhaps it is yourself you need to laugh at first (and that can be quite painful) because its usually one's own inadequacies and/or quirks that we find most amusing in others ....


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