20 y
Re: unable to find peace
I can relate to you so much and I am also so impressed about how you master your situation and how tough this must be for you. Actually I can only relate to the fact that you say you cant find the answers because I also feel like that often. Whatever helped me or helps me when this feeling comes up is limited and only small steps. I read
Andreas Moritz s book and realised that God (or whatever you want to call it) puts things on our plate for a reason. Your son might have this to trigger your spiritual journey so that you can find your way home (this is only an example- there might be different reasons). Read the book maybe it will help you see things in a different light.
Also, I have spent a lot of time doing Yoga as this has helped me to endure situations that I thought I couldnt otherwise plus you get to take some time for yourself which you probably need. And where would I be without meditation? Sitting in silence and not trying to find an answer but just feel the breath and the space around you.
Maybe you have tried all this but I cant stop emphasising how much i believe these are important things. I am sure one day you will see the reasons. As for the physical rreasons of your sons conditions I am afraid I cant help you but maybe the
Ask Andreas Forum can help you. Good luck!