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Peace is Patriotic Today & Forever
peacepatriot777 Views: 2,446
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Peace is Patriotic Today & Forever

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate," Nikka - age 6

In response to threats of burning coal falling on my head;

I actually admired anunnaki's health advice but he mixed fiction and fact in the same sentence here in the Conspiracy Forum, along with a serious dose of hate. I would not mind if anunnaki came back if he would leave his racial and national hatred for others at the door. I could put up with the fantasy world he lived in if he could put up with a Jew, American, or Argentinian' s right to exist. Racial and national hatred is pretty powerful mojo though and if anyone's head is going to be affected by lies then it would be anunnaki for blamming all of the world's problems on a people because of their race or nationality. I am posting this response to threats of burning coals on my head to address the issue that I believe is occuring all over the world. The people who control the world(some of whom are Jews) want to divide and conquer us and I believe that anunnaki was playing right into their hand. Those Jews who are in the power elite could care less about their own race and the same goes for the Anglo CEO's of Fortune 500 Corporations and the mega millionaires & billionaires who live in America and all over the world. They are leading the whole world into another World War so they can create a one world government with them in charge.

You can hate me because believe I am either a Jew or an American but does that harm the global elite? There is a part of everyone that is the very reason you hate anyone. It does no good to pit the world against Jews, Americans, or Argentinians as anunnaki recommended. Wars only feed the blood lust and pocket-books of the global elite. If we want to win the war against tyranny, each of us should refuse to participate in the wars and racial hatred that the global elite would have us believe in. They want to divide and conquer us. Anunnaki fed that belief with his rants about Jews & Americans. I believe that hate is what is responsible for all of the misery going on in the world. Left to their own effort, most people just want to work, worship or not worship as their conscious dicatates and raise their children in peace but that would not do for the global elite. Wars make them powerful and wealthy. I would rather have a bullet put in my head then to murder an Iraqi soldier defending his country from the Bu$h crime families murderous war.

The time is coming when we will all be asked to participate in another World War. I will defend my home and family from harm but I would never fight or send my children to fight against the people of another race or another nation because they are from another race or another nation. By refusing to hate others for their race or nationality and refusing to participate in wars on foreign soil, we can defeat the rising tyranny of the powerful men of the world. Stand for peace instead of racial hatred. Stand for peace instead of xenophobia. Be for something and not against something. Support love and goodness and please do not support some fictional story about Jews. Refuse to support child slavery but rather be for fair labor policies. Refuse to hate Christians, Jews, Muslims etc.. but rather be for love and tolerance.

Anunnaki's posts were fun to some but to others his posts were a call to murder them and their families. I for one stood up to the bully, who would have had the people of CureZone & the world rise up and murder my family, my nation, drawing the whole world into a calamity so huge that human life might cease to exist on this planet. The propaganda being posted with a mix of fiction and fact may have seemed harmless and fun but in truth that kind of propaganda is what feeds the fears of millions or billions of people eace day.

With a little advice from a six year old, "If you want to learn to love better,you should start with a friend who you hate," perhaps we could find a way to all share our truths without the hate? Love is the answer; not war or hate. Love will conquer the New World Order in the end if people can remember that six year old's message of love. Peace is Patriotic! Refuse to entertain murder, hatred and war as the answer to the world's problems and get on the side of peace. Peace will win in the end so why not become a Peace Patriot today? The global elite would fall in a week if we, those that would choose love over hate, would refuse to hate. Peace is patriotic today and forever...

Peace Patriot


"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate," Nikka - age 6

I actually admired anunnaki's health advice but he mixed fiction and fact in the same sentence here in the Conspiracy Forum along with a serious dose of hate. I would not mind if anunnaki came back if he would leave his racial hatred at the door. I could put with the fantasy world he lived in if he could put up with a Jew, American, or Argentinian' s right to exist. Racial hatred is pretty powerful mojo and if anyone's head is going to be affected by lies then it would be anunnaki for blamming all of the world's problems on a person because of their race or nationality. I am posting this last time to address the issue that I believe is occuring all over the world. The people who control the world(some of whom are Jews) want to divide and conquer us and I believe that anunnaki was playing right into their hand. Those Jews who are in the power elite could care less about their own race and the same goes for the anglo CEO's of fortune 500 Corporations and the mega millionaires & billionaires who live in America. They are leading the whole world into another World War so they can create a one world government with them in charge.

It does no good to pit the world against Jews, Americans, or Argentinians as anunnaki would recommended. Wars only feed the blood lust and pocket-books of the global elite. If we want to win the war against tyranny, each of us should refuse to participate in the wars and racial hatred that the global elite would have us believe in. They want to divide and conquer us. Anunnaki fed that belief with his rants about Jews & Americans. You can hate me because I am either a Jew or an American but does that harm the global elite? I believe that hate is what is responsible for all of the misery going on in the world. Left to their own effort, most people just want to work and raise their children in peacer but that would not do for the global elite. Wars make them powerful and wealthy. I would rather have a bullet put in my head then to murder an Iraqi soldier defending his country from the Bu$h crime families murderous war.

The time is coming when we will be asked to participate in another World War. I will defend my home and family from harm but I would never send my children to fight against the people of another race or another nation because they are from another race or another nation. By refusing to hate other for their race or nationality and refusing to participate in wars on foreign soil, we can defeat tyranny from the powerful men of the world. Stand for peace instead of racial hatred. Stand for peace instead of xenophobia. Be for something and not against something. Support love and goodness and not some fictional story about Jews. Refuse to support child slavery but rather be for fair labor policies. Refuce to hate Christians, Jews, Muslims etc.. but rather be for love and tolerance. Anunnaki's posts were fun to some but to others his posts were a call to muder them and their families. I for one stood up to the bully who would have the people of CureZone & the world rise up and my family, my nation, and draw the world into a calamity so huge that human life might cease to exist. The propaganda being posted with a mix of fiction and fact may have seemed harmless but in truth that kind of propaganda is what feeds the fears of millions or billions of people eace day. With a little advice from a six year old, If you want to learn to love better,you should start with a friend who you hate," perhaps we could find a way to all share our truths without the hate?
Love is the answer; not war or hate. Love will conquer the New World Order in the end if people can remember that six year old's message of love. "Peace is Patriotic!" Refuse to entertain murder, hatred and war as the answer to the world's problem and get on the side of peace. Peace will win in the end so why not become a Peace Patriot today? The global elite would fall in a week if we: those that would choose love over hate would refuse to hate. Peace is patriotic today and forever...

Peace Patriot


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