Re: I miss Annunaki.
I miss Annnunki. Who else is going to tell us garlic is a poison,
and how to cure, sub clincal dehydration and scurvy?
The bible says the devil is an ADVERSARY, an antagonist, a false accuser, a suppressor of Truth, a hater of Truth, and a temptor, ie., a provacateur or "bait" artist. Whomever thought it was funny that 12621 harassed, antagonized, falsely accused and provoked Annunki for 3 months is creepy.
The bible also says "hot coals will fall on creeps heads".
Anunnki was an expert in matrix matters and had read every one of Zecharia Sitchens books. 12621 was a poster who was allowed to disrupt the board and cyber stalk and harass Anunnki for 3 months. Who allowed 12621 to slander Annunki? I thought personal attacks were not allowed on forum boards.
Even the presidential debates barred personal attack mud slinging and name calling of debaters. Why was 12621 allowed to mud sling Anunnki's every posts for 3 months?
Who or where is the moderator on this forum? Why was 12621 allowed to personally falsely accuse and personally mud sling slander Anunnki for 3 months???? False accusations and slander of the messenger are NOT part of debate.
Too bad there is no ignore feature on
Debate Forums . Anunnki could have just put 12621's personal mud sling attacks on ignore and Anunnki could have continued exposing creeps.
Lame indeed.
Know hot coals will fall on devils heads. And know the false accuser will be cast down.
Anunnki was better entertainment and links for this forum then even money could buy.
Hope Anunnki comes back.
Take Care.
I miss Annnunki. Who else is going to tell us garlic is a poison,
and how to cure, sub clincal dehydration and scurvy?
The bible says the devil is an ADVERSARY, an antagonist, a false accuser, a suppressor of Truth, a hater of Truth, and a temptor, ie., a provacateur or "bait" artist. Whomever thought it was funny that 12621 harassed, antagonized, falsely accused and provoked Annunki for 3 months is creepy.
The bible also says "hot coals will fall on creeps heads".
Anunnki was an expert in matrix matters. 12621 was a poster who was allowed to disrupt the board and cyber stalk and harass Anunnki for 3 months. Who allowed 12621 to slander Annunki? I thought personal attacks were not allowed on forum boards.
Even the presidential debates barred personal attack mud slinging and name calling of debaters. Why was 12621 allowed to mud sling Anunnki's every posts for 3 months?
Who or where is the moderator on this forum? Why was 12621 allowed to personally falsely accuse and personally mud sling slander Anunnki for 3 months???? False accusations and slander of the messenger are NOT part of debate.
Too bad there is no ignore feature on
Debate Forums . Anunnki could have just put 12621's personal mud sling attacks on ignore and Anunnki could have continued exposing creeps.
Lame indeed.
Know hot coals will fall on devils heads. And know the false accuser will be cast down.
Anunnki was better entertainment and links for this forum then even money could buy.
Hope Anunnki comes back.
Take Care.