Cayce predictions
Are you sure you mean
Edgar Cayce , "The Sleeping Prophet" ? The changes that Cayce predicted were to occur rather rapidly (decades at most). Science, until recently, insisted such changes would occur over thousands of years, but they have begun to change their mind about that. When I first began reading Cayce, continental drift was considered a theory, but it was only a marginally accepted one -- now its pretty much taught as fact.
Science eventually catches up.
My goal in presenting some of these prophecies and/or present day facts which may support them is to serve as a wake-up call because I think we are nearing a time of great change. It is not my goal to be an alarmist. It makes sense to post in a forum which people read and/or post because they are interested in the topic. I hoped that posting here I would be able to share my and other's ideas and observations about prophecies regarding our times. Obviously, I would not go to a football forum and start making posts about prophecies regarding the endtimes. Nor would I go there to tell people football is a stupid game and they should all take up swimming.
I have spent approximately 35 years -- even more if I go back to the waking dream I had a child -- preparing for this time. I have tried to understand it, I have sought out the prophecies and the creation stories of different cultures, and seen the similarities. I have kept my eye on the scientific data -- the weather, earth's geology, solar happenings for over 30 years. I have tried to understand my own visions and those of others.
Creation and destruction are part of existence ... each serves a purpose in the overall design.
Ultimately, I believe we do create our own realities. We decide when and where and how to share those realities with others. Thus your advice is sound. We must do what we can right up to the time of ultimate change. We are always creating our world. Everything we do, think, and say has an effect on our world unfortunately, I think that many in our world share a reality that evil has created for us.
If we find our selves within the moment of re/creation and have a clear idea of what and who we are and how we relate to our world (and for some of us -- the reality we share can be expressed in one word: love) then it is into a world beautiful beyond words we will find ourselves.
If our reality is based on fear, or materialism, what
Science has discovered, or simply what our senses perceive -- then the times ahead may be difficult indeed and making one's way thru the vortex will not be easy. Ed Dames, a remote viewer, as well as many prophets and visionaries have described in horrific detail the desolate worlds that await those who are unable to see beyond the veil of the world in which we live. Some of us, with a child's innocence, will make our way into a loving world because love and faith are our guides, the standard by which we live our lives. -- But I think there are many of us who walk a tightrope between cynicism and love. I pray that when the rope no longer holds, those souls fall on the side of love.