I had never really payed much attention to it before...but I am a 6ft tall man and when I weigh myself at night...say 11pm....I will weigh 215 or so....then first thing in the morning at 7am ...I will weigh 210 or so. No bowel movements take place from evening to morning but there is always a weight change of 3 to 5 lbs....and this happens each and every day.
I read somewhere this weight change is a symptom of Lymph Stagnation. According to what I read this is because the body will store fluids during the day to fight the toxins that are building up during the day....then when sleeping the body must cleanse itself somehow and rid itself of the excess fluid.
I don't know that much about it....but there is no question that this weight change is a fact.
I think I am slowly narrowing the gap in weight...and hopefully this is from the Liver Cleanses that are helping the lymph system do it's job.