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Re:Lapis, how about detox pads for robanadana? n/m
robanadana Views: 1,511
Published: 21 y
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Re:Lapis, how about detox pads for robanadana? n/m

Lapis, I'm eating the "candida diet" staying very strict to things that don't promote the over growth of it. I have problems with candida, chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue. My adrenal fatigue was fairly severe when it began this summer, but I have had problems with candida for some time (years). I am seeing a prominent candida / naturalistic m.d. in Houston and was seeking your advice because you have experience with toxic chemical over load. I was actually doing pretty good in January until I contracted 2 separate viruses in a 3 week span which I believe weakened my adrenals again. I've performed one "liver flush" and am thinking of starting a regiment of those. Any information you may have would be appreciated.


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