Thanks Squeaky, Blueduck and ....
Squeaky,Bluduck, and ....
thanks a million.I'm in the medical profession and pretty much felt surgery was my only way out.Your advices are in line with some of my research finding in this sit, especially the new lymph forum and creating an environment adverse to infection growth...this confirms what a chinese herbal doc told me also. He put me on some herbs to be boild and drank twice daily but I did not see an improvement only had more frequent bowel movements. I truely appreciate your assistance. I will definitely follow them including Bluduck's addition of a trampoline. I've battled w/ the sinusitis and allergies for about 10-14yrs to the extent of only tolerating protein and vegetables at one time. I've done about 7 successful
Liver Flushes and candida eliminating diet while using candigone and HP for a few days. I can now tolerate alot more foods w/ very mild reactions but the breath stinks up a storm with just about anything I eat especially starch of any kind and dairy products. This tonsil part seems to be getting worse.
My other problem is the
parasite issue.... I know I have them and I get tired of the daunting routine of paragone product of three times a day for 15 days and break and start again and so on and so forth that I just stop. Someone I met recently suggested cloves, kulunji seed and
Black-Walnut seed in equal parts taken twice a day for just a couple of days and she started to pass worms. Do you know of this tx.
Ps; will a simple loafer spong be sufficient for the dry brushing?
Thanks again to all of you.