This might help you Dot
I grow rosemary and lavender so this is a recipe I make.
Bruise fresh rosemary and lavender with a mortar & pestle. Pack rosemary and lavender into a glass jar (I use a qt. canning jar), pour olive oil into jar to fill and put the lid on tight. Sit it on the window sill for 2 weeks....SHAKE it Daily. After 2 weeks strain the herbs out. At this point you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil if you like. Pour and rub some oil into hair to saturate it really good. Cover your hair with a plastic bag or shower cap and then a towel and leave on as long as you can. I like to do at least an hour. This is a really good thing for a pamper yourself night. I like to soak my feet when I do this. Or if you have a hair dryer with a cap you can use it on low for about 30 min.
I transfer the remainder of the oil into a smaller jar and store it in the fridge.
Sometimes in the summer when I'm spending alot of time in the garden and my hair gets really, really dry I melt a TINY (1/4 teas.) bit of lanolin into the oil. If you put too much you'll have a heck of a time washing it out of your hair. You can get pure lanolin at the health store.
Another thing you might try is rubbing a few drops of jojoba oil your hands and then rubbing/running your fingers through dry hair. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil to this oil.
Hope that helps ;o)