22 y
Re: gas medicine for IBS
Make sure that you chew your food sufficiently. It should be in a liquid state when you swallow it.
Watch how you combine foods...proteins and starches often create gas. Eat proteins with low-carb vegetables, or starces with vegetables. Also avoid proteins and fruits. Fruits are best eaten by themselves.
Avoid foods to which you react or are allergic.
Use digestive enzymes with every meal, and possibly hydrochloric acid as well. This helps to break down food so that undigested food doesn't make its way to the large intestine and feed all sorts of bacteria there.
Consider candida and/or
parasites as a possible cause and address them as needed.
Take a good quality probiotic to improve the bacterial balance in your colon.
Learn to manage stress and don't eat when stressed. Stress has a very detrimental effect on the digestive process.
When gas is particularly problematic, use activated charcoal caps with a meal to absorb toxins (available at most pharmacies and health food stores). These should only be used occasionally, though, as they can also absorb nutrients. Charcoal provides symptomatic relief, but the underlying problems causing the gas must be addressed...namely improved digestive functioning.